What is Your Song?

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Do you ever wake up and have a hard time starting your day? Maybe you aren’t inspired about what’s next? What’s the song that you play in your head? What song do you know will help you feel energized and get fired up? Sometimes the song is not a song you listen to all the time. It’s that song you may have only heard once or twice - but when you do it brings the life out of you and prepares you for whatever the day has to offer…. My song is Hold My Hand by Jess Glynne. What’s yours?

For me driving is a great time to listen to music. It’s just me zipping past cars on the highway as the beat of my music surrounds you. For others it’s not the music you think. It’s the sounds of nature, the chirping and singing of the birds, bubbling rivers or the wind rustling through the tops of the trees.  It could be the meditative sound of your footsteps crunching the earth in front of you as you walk rhythmically along a dirt path. Whatever this may be it’s important to tune in regularly!

One way I like to recharge is hiking with music. Spending time around nature can make your mind feel relaxed. Music provides a wonderful backdrop for your hike and increases enjoyment while reducing stress from your day. Grab your boots, put together a custom playlist and hit the trail. 


Hiking is not as hard as it appears to be. Yes, you will have to walk a lot, but the journey totally depends on you. If you are new to hiking, start with a short and easy trail. Baby steps. 

Feeling drained or tired? Get outside. Hiking is actually a mild exercise that helps us restore our energy and pushes away stress. Music can restore our energy and reduce stress as well. If you combine the two it can clear your mind, while putting your body to work. Hiking is a cardiovascular exercise that is associated with producing endorphins in the brain, which is known to improve your mood. Sometimes I can’t stop thinking about everything I need to get done. When I play music it eases my mind. I stop worrying about what needs to get done and find my self immersed in the moment. Try it, you will come home less stressed and more prepared to take on what awaits you. Its a perfect combination!

Playing music on the trail is a magical experience, but remember to be respectful. Others are trying to play their song too!

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