CANVAS REBEL - Meet Briana Gallo, Owner of Driftwood Adventure treks

“Courage is the Power to let go of the familiar” is the mission behind Driftwood Adventure Treks. Starting business is scary on it’s own, one has to take that big step or leap to start a business.

The name Driftwood symbolizes “go where life takes you”. I feel like my business embodies that. There are many parts to Driftwood, which makes it actually very hard to brand. I am an international photographer as well as a pilates instructor and summer camp director, those are a lot of different hats! My mission is “courage is the power to let go of the familiar”, which is why there are so many different aspects of Driftwood Adventure Treks. Life is an adventure. Whether you are stepping out of your comfort zone to try a Pilates class here locally in San Diego or you are booking a trip abroad with me you will find yourself challenged in a way that you grow as a person because you chose to take a step out of your familiar and try something new.